Two nights after you passed away, Jones and I lay in bed talking about you. We spoke about how much we missed you, how funny you were, how much you loved a good steak and baseball, and especially how much you loved Jones. We cried together, wishing you were lying beside us, rambling on about some baseball player we’d never heard of. We talked about God and angels, knowing you could see us from Heaven. We spoke of Heaven as a place where we’ll all reunite someday with everyone we know and love.
That night, Jones asked if we could try to find you in the sky. We left the bedroom and walked into the living room, turned off the lights, and took photo after photo. In every cloud we saw, we found your shadow, your spirit, your soul—your orb of light. It was magical. It was beautiful. This became our ritual, night after night, and it’s still something we return to when we’re really missing you.
What we would give to have one more night with you.